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select `code`, `domen`, `systems_store`.`store_id`, (SELECT `code` FROM `language` WHERE `id` = systems_store.language_default) as language_default from `systems_store` leftjoin `store_language` on `store_language`.`store_id` = `systems_store`.`store_id` leftjoin `language` on `language`.`id` = `store_language`.`language_id` where (SELECT `code` FROM `language` WHERE `id` = systems_store.language_default) <> `language`.`code` OR `systems_store`.`store_id` =4
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(SELECT `name` FROM `option_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `option_id` = `products_options`.`option_id` LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_value_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `value_id` = `products_options`.`value_id` LIMIT 1)
) as optionName, "0" as quantity, "€" as currency, IFNULL(
(SELECT `sell_id` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
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(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
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(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as hidden_sell_sticker, IFNULL(
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as price,
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1)
), 0) as sell_show, IFNULL(
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
) as old_sell_price, CAST(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
) AS UNSIGNED) as sell_price_proc, ROUND(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
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(SELECT `name` FROM `option_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `option_id` = `products_options`.`option_id` LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_value_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `value_id` = `products_options`.`value_id` LIMIT 1)
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) >0) and0=1and (`products`.`status` =1and `products_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `products_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `products_store`.`store_id` =3and IFNUll( IFNULL(
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(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1)
), 0) <>0) orderby `products_options`.`sort` asc
selectcount(*) as aggregate from `categories_store` where (`categories_store`.`store_id` =3and `categories_store`.`available` =1and `categories_store`.`url` ='all-products-make')
select*, `categories_store`.`type` as `type`, `categories_descriptions`.`title` as `title`, `categories_store`.`categorie_id` as `categorie_id`, (SELECT `url` FROM `categories_images` WHERE `type` = "mobail" AND `store_id` = categories_store.store_id AND `categorie_id` = `categories_store`.`categorie_id` LIMIT 1) as urlMobile, (SELECT `url` FROM `categories_images` WHERE `type` = "seo" AND `store_id` = categories_store.store_id AND `categorie_id` = `categories_store`.`categorie_id` LIMIT 1) as seo_url from `categories_store` leftjoin `categories_descriptions` on `categories_descriptions`.`categorie_id` = `categories_store`.`categorie_id` leftjoin `categories_images` on ((`categories_images`.`categorie_id` = categories_store.categorie_id and `categories_images`.`store_id` =3and `categories_images`.`type` LIKE'main')) where (`categories_store`.`store_id` =3and `categories_store`.`available` =1and `categories_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `categories_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `categories_store`.`url` LIKE'all-products-make') limit 1
select IFNULL(CONCAT(,"_",`products_options`.`option_id`,"_",`products_options`.`value_id`),CONCAT(,"_","_")) as id, `products`.`id` as `product_id`, `products`.`sort`, IF( =1, 1,(SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `product_role` WHERE `product_id` = AND `role` IN (3,60))) as not_show, IF(products.type_product =4, 1,0) as notAddToCard, `stikers_descriptions`.`title` as `custom_label`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_size`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_size_mob`, `stikers_descriptions`.`sub_title` as `custom_label_sub`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_sub_size`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_sub_size_mob`, `stikers_descriptions`.`text_color` as `custom_label_color`, `stikers_descriptions`.`text_stiker` as `custom_label_background`, `products`.`date_edit` as `date`, `products_descriptions`.`name`, `products_descriptions`.`seo_title`, `products_descriptions`.`seo_description`, `products_descriptions`.`title_description`, `products_store`.`color`, `products_store`.`products_status` as `labelType`, "" as opt, REPLACE((SELECT `name` FROM `product_status_description` WHERE `status_id` = `products_store`.`products_status` AND `store_id` = "3" AND `language_id` = "5" LIMIT 1), "(Local)", "") as labelText, as value_id, "" as mob_url, concat("/",(SELECT `url` FROM `categories_store` WHERE categories_store.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)),"/",`products_store`.`url`,"/") as link, concat("/",(SELECT `url` FROM `categories_store` WHERE categories_store.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)),"/") as link_cat,, products_store.qty_products_set, products_store.recommen_products as recommend, products.type_product, products_descriptions.seconde_description , (SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `users_favorites` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `user_id` = "0") as favorite, (SELECT `name` FROM `categories_descriptions` WHERE categories_descriptions.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categories_descriptions.language_id = products_descriptions.language_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)) as item_list_name, (SELECTAVG(`rating`) FROM `reviews` WHERE `reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `reviews`.`type_id` =1AND `reviews`.`status` = "1" AND `reviews`.`store_id` = "3" AND `reviews`.`language_id` = "5" ) as reviews_star, (SELECTCOUNT(`rating`) FROM `reviews` WHERE `reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `reviews`.`type_id` =1AND `reviews`.`status` = "1" AND `reviews`.`store_id` = "3" AND `reviews`.`language_id` = "5" ) as reviews_count, (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1 LIMIT 1) as item_list_id, (SELECT `name` FROM `categories_descriptions` WHERE categories_descriptions.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categories_descriptions.language_id = products_descriptions.language_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)) as category, "0" as type, products.sort as sort_banner, "0" as alt, "€" as currency, IFNULL(
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as hidden_sell_sticker, IFNULL(
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
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(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as price,
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1)
), 0) as sell_show, IFNULL(
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
) as old_sell_price, CAST(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
) AS UNSIGNED) as sell_price_proc, ROUND(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
)) as sell_price, CONCAT(
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `option_id` = `products_options`.`option_id` LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_value_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `value_id` = `products_options`.`value_id` LIMIT 1)
) as optionName, IFNULL((SELECT `url` FROM `products_images` WHERE `type` = "catalog" AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `product_id` = `products`.`id` LIMIT 1),"/img/no_image.png") as url, IFNULL((SELECT `url` FROM `products_images` WHERE `type` = "main" AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `product_id` = `products`.`id` LIMIT 1),"/img/no_image.png") as hover, IFNULL(IFNULL(
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),0) as quantityMax from `products` leftjoin `products_descriptions` on `products_descriptions`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` leftjoin `products_store` on `products_store`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` leftjoin `products_options` on ((`products_options`.`product_id` = and `products_options`.`store_id` =3)) leftjoin `stikers_descriptions` on ((`stikers_descriptions`.`stiker_id` = products_store.stiker_products and `stikers_descriptions`.`language_id` =5)) where (`products`.`status` =1and `products_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `products_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `products_store`.`store_id` =3and `products_store`.`available` =1and IFNULL(
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(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) >0) and `products`.`id` IN (SELECT `product_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `categorie_id` = "124") AND IF( =1, 1,(SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `product_role` WHERE `product_id` = AND `role` IN (3,60))) =0orderby IF(products_status <>2,IF(
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_options_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" ORDERBY qty DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1)
),0) >0,1,0),0) ASC, IFNULL(`products_descriptions`.`sort`,99999999) ASC, `products_options`.`sort` asc
select `banners`.`id`, " " as product_id, "1" as sort, "0" as notAddToCard, " " asdate, " " as name, " " as item_list_name, " " as item_list_id, " " as title_description, " " as labelType, " " as labelText, " " as value_id, (SELECT url FROM `banners_descriptions` WHERE `banner_id` = AND `store_id` = "3" AND `language_id` = "5") as link, IF(banners.type =2,"1","2") as type, (banners_store.sort) as sort_banner, " " as alt, " " as currency, " " as price, " " as sell_price, "1" as quantityMax, (SELECT `image` FROM `banners_images` WHERE `banner_id` = `banners_store`.`banner_id` AND `store_id` = `banners_store`.`store_id` AND `language_id` =5AND `type` = "pc" LIMIT 1) as url, (SELECT `image` FROM `banners_images` WHERE `banner_id` = `banners_store`.`banner_id` AND `store_id` = `banners_store`.`store_id` AND `language_id` =5AND `type` = "tablet" LIMIT 1) as hover from `banners_store` leftjoin `banners` on `banners_store`.`banner_id` = `banners`.`id` where (`categorie` =124and `banners_store`.`status` =1and `banners`.`status` =1and `banners_store`.`date_start` <='2025.03.14 19:11'and `banners_store`.`date_finish` >='2025.03.14 19:11'and `store_id` =3and `banners`.`type` =2) or (`categorie` =124and `banners_store`.`status` =1and `banners`.`status` =1and `banners_store`.`date_start` <='2025.03.14 19:11'and `banners_store`.`date_finish` >='2025.03.14 19:11'and `store_id` =3and `banners`.`type` =3)
selectdistinct `filter_id`, `value_id`, (SELECT `name` FROM `filter_descriptions` WHERE `filter_id` = `products_filter`.`filter_id` AND `language_id` = "5") as filter_name, (SELECT `name` FROM `filter_value_descriptions` WHERE `value_id` = `products_filter`.`value_id` AND `language_id` = "5") as value_name from `products_filter` where (`products_filter`.`status` =1and `products_filter`.`store_id` =3) and `products_filter`.`product_id` IN (SELECT `product_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `categorie_id` = "124" AND (SELECT `available` FROM `products_store` WHERE `product_id` = `products_categories`.`product_id` AND `store_id` = "3") =1)
select `id` from `categories` whereexists (select*from `categories_store` where `categories`.`id` = `categories_store`.`categorie_id` and (`store_id` =3and `available` =1)) and (`stock` isnulland `status` =1and `parent` =0) and `id` notin (select `categories_id` from `categories_role` where `role` =3or `role` ='60') and `id` <>21
selectdistinct `language_id`, `name`, `code`, "0" as home, IF(language_default =,1,0) as language_default, IF(language_default =,"",CONCAT("/",code,"/")) as url from `store_language` leftjoin `systems_store` on `systems_store`.`store_id` = `store_language`.`store_id` leftjoin `language` on `language`.`id` = `store_language`.`language_id` where (`store_language`.`store_id` =3)
select IFNULL(CONCAT(,"_",`products_options`.`option_id`,"_",`products_options`.`value_id`),CONCAT(,"_","_")) as id, `products`.`id` as `product_id`, `products`.`sort`, IF( =1, 1,(SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `product_role` WHERE `product_id` = AND `role` IN (3,60))) as not_show, IF(products.type_product =4, 1,0) as notAddToCard, `stikers_descriptions`.`title` as `custom_label`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_size`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_size_mob`, `stikers_descriptions`.`sub_title` as `custom_label_sub`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_sub_size`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_sub_size_mob`, `stikers_descriptions`.`text_color` as `custom_label_color`, `stikers_descriptions`.`text_stiker` as `custom_label_background`, `products`.`date_edit` as `date`, `products_descriptions`.`name`, `products_descriptions`.`seo_title`, `products_descriptions`.`seo_description`, `products_descriptions`.`title_description`, `products_store`.`color`, `products_store`.`products_status` as `labelType`, "" as opt, REPLACE((SELECT `name` FROM `product_status_description` WHERE `status_id` = `products_store`.`products_status` AND `store_id` = "3" AND `language_id` = "5" LIMIT 1), "(Local)", "") as labelText, as value_id, "" as mob_url, concat("/",(SELECT `url` FROM `categories_store` WHERE categories_store.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)),"/",`products_store`.`url`,"/") as link, concat("/",(SELECT `url` FROM `categories_store` WHERE categories_store.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)),"/") as link_cat,, products_store.qty_products_set, products_store.recommen_products as recommend, products.type_product, products_descriptions.seconde_description , (SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `users_favorites` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `user_id` = "0") as favorite, (SELECT `name` FROM `categories_descriptions` WHERE categories_descriptions.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categories_descriptions.language_id = products_descriptions.language_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)) as item_list_name, (SELECTAVG(`rating`) FROM `reviews` WHERE `reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `reviews`.`type_id` =1AND `reviews`.`status` = "1" AND `reviews`.`store_id` = "3" AND `reviews`.`language_id` = "5" ) as reviews_star, (SELECTCOUNT(`rating`) FROM `reviews` WHERE `reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `reviews`.`type_id` =1AND `reviews`.`status` = "1" AND `reviews`.`store_id` = "3" AND `reviews`.`language_id` = "5" ) as reviews_count, (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1 LIMIT 1) as item_list_id, (SELECT `name` FROM `categories_descriptions` WHERE categories_descriptions.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categories_descriptions.language_id = products_descriptions.language_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)) as category, "0" as type, products.sort as sort_banner, "0" as alt, "€" as currency, IFNULL(
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as hidden_sell_sticker, IFNULL(
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as price,
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1)
), 0) as sell_show, IFNULL(
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
) as old_sell_price, CAST(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
) AS UNSIGNED) as sell_price_proc, ROUND(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
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(SELECT `name` FROM `option_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `option_id` = `products_options`.`option_id` LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_value_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `value_id` = `products_options`.`value_id` LIMIT 1)
) as optionName, IFNULL((SELECT `url` FROM `products_images` WHERE `type` = "catalog" AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `product_id` = `products`.`id` LIMIT 1),"/img/no_image.png") as url, IFNULL((SELECT `url` FROM `products_images` WHERE `type` = "main" AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `product_id` = `products`.`id` LIMIT 1),"/img/no_image.png") as hover, IFNULL(IFNULL(
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_options_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" ORDERBY qty DESC LIMIT 1),
IFNULL((SELECT `max_quantity` FROM `product_quantity_role` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `role` = "32" LIMIT 1),(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1))
),0) as quantityMax from `products` leftjoin `products_descriptions` on `products_descriptions`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` leftjoin `products_store` on `products_store`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` leftjoin `products_options` on ((`products_options`.`product_id` = and `products_options`.`store_id` =3)) leftjoin `stikers_descriptions` on ((`stikers_descriptions`.`stiker_id` = products_store.stiker_products and `stikers_descriptions`.`language_id` =5)) where (`products`.`status` =1and `products_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `products_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `products_store`.`store_id` =3and `products_store`.`available` =1and IFNULL(
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(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) >0) and0=1and (`products`.`status` =1and `products_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `products_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `products_store`.`store_id` =3and IFNUll( IFNULL(
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_options_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1)
), 0) <>0) orderby `products_options`.`sort` asc
selectcount(*) as aggregate from `categories` where (`id` =17and `status` =1and (SELECT `available` FROM `categories_store` WHERE `categorie_id` =17AND `store_id` = "3") =1)
select IFNULL(CONCAT(,"_",`products_options`.`option_id`,"_",`products_options`.`value_id`),CONCAT(,"_","_")) as id, `products`.`id` as `product_id`, `products`.`sort`, IF( =1, 1,(SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `product_role` WHERE `product_id` = AND `role` IN (3,60))) as not_show, IF(products.type_product =4, 1,0) as notAddToCard, `stikers_descriptions`.`title` as `custom_label`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_size`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_size_mob`, `stikers_descriptions`.`sub_title` as `custom_label_sub`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_sub_size`, `stikers_descriptions`.`custom_label_sub_size_mob`, `stikers_descriptions`.`text_color` as `custom_label_color`, `stikers_descriptions`.`text_stiker` as `custom_label_background`, `products`.`date_edit` as `date`, `products_descriptions`.`name`, `products_descriptions`.`seo_title`, `products_descriptions`.`seo_description`, `products_descriptions`.`title_description`, `products_store`.`color`, `products_store`.`products_status` as `labelType`, "" as opt, REPLACE((SELECT `name` FROM `product_status_description` WHERE `status_id` = `products_store`.`products_status` AND `store_id` = "3" AND `language_id` = "5" LIMIT 1), "(Local)", "") as labelText, as value_id, "" as mob_url, concat("/",(SELECT `url` FROM `categories_store` WHERE categories_store.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)),"/",`products_store`.`url`,"/") as link, concat("/",(SELECT `url` FROM `categories_store` WHERE categories_store.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)),"/") as link_cat,, products_store.qty_products_set, products_store.recommen_products as recommend, products.type_product, products_descriptions.seconde_description , (SELECTCOUNT(*) FROM `users_favorites` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `user_id` = "0") as favorite, (SELECT `name` FROM `categories_descriptions` WHERE categories_descriptions.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categories_descriptions.language_id = products_descriptions.language_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)) as item_list_name, (SELECTAVG(`rating`) FROM `reviews` WHERE `reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `reviews`.`type_id` =1AND `reviews`.`status` = "1" AND `reviews`.`store_id` = "3" AND `reviews`.`language_id` = "5" ) as reviews_star, (SELECTCOUNT(`rating`) FROM `reviews` WHERE `reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `reviews`.`type_id` =1AND `reviews`.`status` = "1" AND `reviews`.`store_id` = "3" AND `reviews`.`language_id` = "5" ) as reviews_count, (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1 LIMIT 1) as item_list_id, (SELECT `name` FROM `categories_descriptions` WHERE categories_descriptions.store_id = products_descriptions.store_id AND categories_descriptions.language_id = products_descriptions.language_id AND categorie_id = (SELECT `categorie_id` FROM `products_categories` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `type` =1)) as category, "0" as type, products.sort as sort_banner, "0" as alt, "€" as currency, IFNULL(
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(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `hidden_sell_sticker` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) as hidden_sell_sticker, IFNULL(
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
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(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `sell_show` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1)
), 0) as sell_show, IFNULL(
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`))) ORDERBYstartDESC SEPARATOR ",") FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1ANDend<= "2025-03-14 19:11:40"),
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(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`value`),((`value`/`price`)*100)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
) AS UNSIGNED) as sell_price_proc, ROUND(IFNULL(
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT IF(`type` =1,(`price`-((`price`/100)*`value`)),(`price`-`value`)) FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
)) as sell_price, CONCAT(
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `option_id` = `products_options`.`option_id` LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `name` FROM `option_value_descriptions` WHERE `language_id` = "5" AND `value_id` = `products_options`.`value_id` LIMIT 1)
) as optionName, IFNULL((SELECT `url` FROM `products_images` WHERE `type` = "catalog" AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `product_id` = `products`.`id` LIMIT 1),"/img/no_image.png") as url, IFNULL((SELECT `url` FROM `products_images` WHERE `type` = "main" AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `product_id` = `products`.`id` LIMIT 1),"/img/no_image.png") as hover, IFNULL(IFNULL(
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_options_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" ORDERBY qty DESC LIMIT 1),
IFNULL((SELECT `max_quantity` FROM `product_quantity_role` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `role` = "32" LIMIT 1),(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1))
),0) as quantityMax from `products` leftjoin `products_descriptions` on `products_descriptions`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` leftjoin `products_store` on `products_store`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` leftjoin `products_options` on ((`products_options`.`product_id` = and `products_options`.`store_id` =3)) leftjoin `stikers_descriptions` on ((`stikers_descriptions`.`stiker_id` = products_store.stiker_products and `stikers_descriptions`.`language_id` =5)) where (`products`.`status` =1and `products_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `products_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `products_store`.`store_id` =3and `products_store`.`available` =1and IFNULL(
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(SELECT `price` FROM `products_options_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" AND `sell_status` =1AND `start` <= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" ANDend>= "2025-03-14 19:11:40" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `price` FROM `products_price` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `store_id` = `products_store`.`store_id` AND `group_id` = "32" AND `currency_id` = "3" LIMIT 1)
) >0) and0=1and (`products`.`status` =1and `products_descriptions`.`store_id` =3and `products_descriptions`.`language_id` =5and `products_store`.`store_id` =3and IFNUll( IFNULL(
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_options_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `product_option_id` = `products_options`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1),
(SELECT `qty` FROM `products_partners_qty` WHERE `product_id` = `products`.`id` AND `partner_id` = "4" LIMIT 1)
), 0) <>0) orderby `products_options`.`sort` asc